Started going to the gym in order to make a lean and strong body? Well, let me tell you that regular exercise won’t be proved fruitful in the absence of proper nutrition and right diet plan. No, I am not talking about the whey protein powder available in the market.

Foods That Help You Build Strong Muscles

Let me introduce myself to you first, my name is Shreya Katyal and I am a Nutritionist In Dubai. Through this blog, I will share some diet tips that will help you get lean muscles. Here I jotted down a few food items you should add in your diet for getting results of spending hours and hours in gyms:


Eggs – If you are doing a high-intensity workout, you must consume 14 grams of protein that is equivalent to two eggs. They are easy to make and the proteins within it can help in building muscles.


Almonds – If your aim is to burn fat, then almonds must be on your go-to list. Eating almonds before hitting the gym may help you reduce weight quickly, you just need to keep in mind the quantity that you are consuming.


Chicken – It has a rich amount of protein and if you aim to rapidly build your muscles, you must eat the chicken breast that has a high quantity of leucine, which aids in protein build-up.

Chocolate Milk

Chocolate Milk – Having chocolate milk prior to your workout can help you stay hydrated and, it is an excellent provider of Vitamin D and Calcium.

With these items in your plate, you can stay assured that high-intensity workout won’t even cause you muscle cramps and you can reach your fitness goals soon. Just make sure to add any of the food items in required quantity as per your body type. You can reach me at Diets & More to get Online Diet Conultation In Dubai. Fill the enquiry form on the page or contact me through call or WhatsApp.

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